Thursday 9 March 2017

STD-IV-Revision Question Bank

Question Bank Cycle Test – 4 (2016-17)

Std: IV

Subject: English

Section A (Reading Comprehension)

Q.I.                           Read the passage given below:
There was once a little grey planet

that     was     very     sad.     The     whole

countryside  was  so  polluted  that

there were no plants or animals left.

One day, a little boy was walking on

the planet. When he passed through

a cave, he noticed a small red flower

inside it. The flower was very sick-

almost dying-so, the boy carefully

dug up the flower, with roots, soil

and everything. Then he looked up

at the sky and noticed the moon. It

seemed to the boy that, maybe, the

plant could survive there.

So, the little boy put on his astronaut suit, and climbed into a spaceship. He

planted the flower on the moon. And came back to his planet.

Far away from all that pollution-and with the boy visiting it every day to tend to it-

the flower started to grow. The flower was so well cared for, that it soon

germinated, giving birth to others and these flowers spread onto other areas.

Before long, the whole moon was completely covered with flowers.

That’s why, whenever the little boy’s flowers open up, for a few minutes, the moon

takes on a soft, red sheen, like a warning light. Maybe it’s telling us that if we don’t

look after our planet, a day will come when flowers will grow only on the moon.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, choose the correct option.

1)       A little grey planet was very sad because the whole countryside was _________.

(a)  clean

(b)  polluted

(c)  pure

(d)  red

2)       A little boy noticed a small red flower inside a __________.

(a)  trunk

(b)  pot

(c)  cave

(d)  den

3)       The boy thought that the plant could survive on the ____________.

(a)  earth

(b)  spaceship

(c)  cave

(d)  moon

4)       The boy travelled to the moon in a ____________.

(a)  spaceship

(b)  train

(c)  ship

(d)  air plane

5)       The boy __________ for the flower very well.

(a)  cared

(b)  planted

(c)  dug

(d)  spread

6)       A day will come when ___________ will grow only on the moon.

(a)  plants

(b)  flowers

(c)  food

(d)  animals

7)       The word ‘tend’ in the passage means the same as:

(a)  manage

(b)  look after

(c)  neglect

(d)  behave

8)       The word ‘sheen’ in the passage means the same as:

(a)  colour

(b)  dullness

(c)  shine

(d)  shade

9)       State if the following statements are true or false.

(a)  The boy carefully dug up the flower, with roots, soil and everything.

(b)  The flower did not survive on the moon.

Q.II.                           Read the passage given below:

Have you ever wondered how many feathers does a bird have? The answer is simple: the bigger the bird, the more feathers it has on its body. A humming bird has 900, while a swan has 25,000 or even more. Feathers come in all shapes, sizes and colours. They are strikingly beautiful that a person is just tempted to pick them up.
The soft, silky and velvety feathers keep the bird warm, others keep it waterproof in the rain and big and strong feathers give it the strength to fly.
Feathers of a bird are frequently used and wear out. These are replaced by a set of new

ones almost every year. As the new ones grow, the old ones slowly fall out. This process is called moulting.

The feathers are used by human beings in various ways. They are used in pillows and caps. Before the invention of pens, people wrote with large feathers with pointed ends called quills. Even today, in Panama in Central America, hunters use bright feathers for headgears. The zoos and bird sanctuaries all over the world collect the moulted feathers. They send them to Panama because there is no use in hunting birds for feathers. It’s a wise step to save the birds from being killed for the sake of headgear.

On the basis of your reading of the above passage, choose the correct option.

1)       The bigger the bird, the _________ feathers it has on its body.

(a)  equal

(b)  more

(c)  less

(d)  most

2)       A person is _________ to pick up strikingly beautiful feathers.

(a)  forced

(b)  taught

(c)  tempted

(d)  ashamed

3)       The soft, silky and velvety feathers keep the bird __________.

(a)  strong

(b)  flying

(c)  waterproof

(d)  warm

4)       Feathers of a bird are frequently used and ____________.

(a)  wear out

(b)  break apart

(c)  fall off

(d)  washed away

5)       Before the invention of pens, people wrote with large feathers with pointed ends called ___________.
(a)  tips

(b)  quills

(c)  nibs

(d)  refills

6)       _____________ use bright feathers for headgears in Panama in Central America.

(a)  Farmers

(b)  Hunters

(c)  Zoo keepers

(d)  Birds

7)       The word ‘moulting’ in the passage means the same as:

(a)  growing

(b)  receiving

(c)  shedding

(d)  sprouting

8)       The word ‘sanctuaries’ in the passage means the same as:

(a)  holy places

(b)  zoos

(c)  centuries

(d)  nature reserves

9)       State if the following statements are true or false.

(a)  Birds have only one set of feathers.

(b)  Birds should not be killed for the sake of headgear.

Section B (Writing and Grammar)

Q.II.                  Notice Writing Revision

Inspired by the ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan’, your school is planning to organize a

‘School Sprucing Up’ day where all the staff members and students will be taking

up jobs related to cleaning the school premises. This is to create a feeling of

belongingness as well as appreciating the dignity of labour. You are Rashmi/Rohit,

the Secretary of the Social Work committee in your school. Write a notice in about

50 words informing the students about this activity.

The notice should contain the following details:

·     Name of the school and committee issuing the notice.

·         Subject and date of issue of the notice.

·         Event (what?)

·         Date/time (when?)

·         Place (where?)

·         Name, signature and designation of the person issuing the notice Enclose the notice in a box.

Q.III.                   Letter Writing Revision

Your boarding school is organizing a trek to the Valley of Flowers National Park in

Uttarakhand, in the Himalayas. It is famous for its meadows of alpine flowers, a variety of flora and is also home to rare and endangered animals A three day permit will be given by the Forest Department. Trekking is allowed only during the daytime. Suitable accommodation will be provided nearby. Write a letter to your parents asking them for permission to go for the trip.

The letter should contain the following details:

·         your address

·         the date

·         the salutation

·         the body

·         the subscription

·         your signature

Q.IV.                  Advertisements/Persuasion through Posters

Imagine you are working on an advertisement campaign for a new car. Use the given graphic organizer with the advertising techniques to help you create your advertisement poster.

Q.V.                  Story Writing

A train robbery has been planned. Thieves plan to rob large sums of money from a mail train heading between the cities of Sirius and Ursa in the early hours of Thursday, 18th March, 2017, at Polaris Railway Bridge. The fifteen thieves tamper with line signals, and then attack the train. They tie the train driver to his seat, and do not use any firearms. They make off with all the money bags. The police are out to catch them. They catch all the thieves, but the bulk of the stolen money is not recovered. However, all the thieves end up in jail.

Pick the characters, the setting, the problem and the resolution. Write your story.

Q.VI.                  Writing a Fairy Tale

Write a fairy tale on the following theme:

You are a prince/princess. You find a key which opens the door to the room in the tallest tower of your castle. You decide to explore and find out what it contains. The fairy tale should contain the following details:

·         Title

·         Opening Sentence specifying the time

·         Setting specifying the place

·         Good Characters

·         Bad Character

·         Magic

·         Problem

·         Solution

·         Happy Ending

·         Closing Sentence

Q.VII.                  Descriptive Writing/Descriptive Paragraph

Write a descriptive paragraph with details to describe each of the following:

1.    Your Neighbour: physical appearance (height, body, face, hair, eyes, ears, nose) and personality

2.    Your Favourite Toy: material used, weight, size, shape, texture, smell, colour, used for, accessories

3.    Your   Native   Place:   what/where,   direction,   terrain,   measurement,

climate/weather, others

The descriptive paragraph should contain the following details:

·         the introduction
·         nouns, adjectives and adverbs
·         facts and opinions
·         use all senses
·         the conclusion

Diary Writing

Today was your school’s Annual Day. Make a diary entry writing about your

feelings and experience.

The diary entry should contain the following details:




the first person

personal experiences

·   alternate between the tenses

friendly language
Do as directed.

Subject and Predicate
1)         The old man sat under a tree. (Circle the subject and underline the predicate.)

2)        ____________ was full of dirty dishes. (Fill in the blank with a suitable subject.)

(a)  A cabinet

(b)  The sink

(c)  My cupboard

(d)  The drawer

3)        The soldiers __________. (Fill in the blank with a suitable predicate.)

(a)  made friends with the enemy

(b)  ran away

(c)  fought bravely
(d)  hid at home

Tenses Revision

1)        I will phone you when he _______ back. (come) (Fill in the blank with the correct present tense of the verb in brackets.)

(a)  is coming

(b)  came

(c)  come

(d)  comes

2)        I _________ for the shops to open. (wait) (Fill in the blank with the correct present continuous tense of the verb in brackets.)

(a)  am waiting

(b)  wait

(c)  was waiting

(d)  waited

3)         The thieves _________ away before the police arrived. (run) (Fill in the blank with the correct past tense of the verb in brackets.)
(a)  are running

(b)  ran

(c)  run

(d)  runs

4)         The children ________ the whole time they were together. (play) (Fill in the blank with the correct past continuous tense of the verb in brackets.)

(a)  play

(b)  played

(c)  were playing

(d)  was playing

5)         The next term _________ on 1st March. (begin) (Fill in the blank with the correct future tense of the verb in brackets.)
(a)  began

(b)  will be beginning

(c)  begins

(d)  will begin

6)         My mother _________ the house for Christmas. (decorate) (Fill in the blank with the correct future continuous tense of the verb in brackets.)

(a)  will be decorating

(b)  will decorate

(c)  decorated

(d)  decorates

Subject Verb Agreement

1)         I _______ fine, thank you. (Fill in the blank with a suitable verb.)

(a)  am

(b)  is

(c)  are

(d)  were

2)         The rabbit ______ two long ears. (Fill in the blank with a suitable verb.)

(a)  have
(b)  has

(c)  had

(d)  having

3)         It _______ raining heavily last night. (Fill in the blank with a suitable verb.)

(a)  was

(b)  were

(c)  am

(d)  is

4)         How much money ______ you spend on your last holiday? (Fill in the blank with a suitable verb.)
(a)  do

(b)  does

(c)  did

(d)  doing

Asking Questions

1)         When does it rain in India? (Circle the helping verb and underline the main verb.)

2)         _____ is the nearest telephone booth? (Fill in the blank with a suitable wh- word.)

(a)  Why

(b)  What

(c)  When

(d)  Where

3)         Q: ______________________________________

A: I’ll finish it within half an hour.

(Choose the correct question for the given answer.)

(a)  Where will you finish your homework?

(b)  When will you finish your homework?

(c)  How will you finish your homework?

(d)  What will you finish your homework?

Conjunctions Revision

1)         They restarted the tennis match _____ the rain stopped. (Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.)
(a)  if

(b)  as soon as

(c)  before

(d)  therefore

2)         Trees give us fruits _______ shade. (Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.)

(a)  while

(b)  before

(c)  as well as

(d)  when

3)         _____ Tom is sick, he's swimming. (Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction.)

(a)  Although

(b)  Till

(c)  After

(d)  Because

Prepositions Revision

1)         There is a cat __________ the bed. (Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.)

(a)  over

(b)  in

(c)  among

(d)  under

2)         Please pour the tea ______ the cup. (Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.)

(a)   below

(b)  into

(c)  along

(d)  on

3)         My mother advised me not to eat ______ meals. (Fill in the blank with the correct preposition.)

(a)  between

(b)  across

(c)  in

(d)  at


1)         The plumber used many different ____________ to fix our sink. (Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.)
(a)  weapons

(b)  instruments

(c)  tools

(d)  equipment

2)         Many ships are repaired at the naval _________ at Visakhapatnam. (Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.)
(a)  hangar

(b)  garage

(c)  dockyard

(d)  shed

3)         Tom got a small _________ of pie. (Fill in the blank with the most suitable word.)

(a)  area

(b)  portion

(c)  section

(d)  part


1)         The experienced tourist guide ___________ all the nooks and corners of the fort.

(knew/new) (Fill in the blank with the correct homophone.)

2)         Tom __________ the first prize at the chess tournament. (one/won) (Fill in the blank with the correct homophone.)

3)        The dog next door kept barking all ________. (night/knight) (Fill in the blank with the correct homophone.)

Section C (Literature)

Q.VII.                       Answer the following questions by choosing from the options given


Prose: A Folktale from India – The Rainbow Prince (EE)

1)         Why did Rupanjali expect everyone to obey her?

(a) She was the princess.

(b) She was so beautiful.

(c) She was selfish.

(d) She lived in a far off land.

2)         How was Nilangana punished for freeing the red parrot?

(a) She was put into the bird prison.

(b) She was tied in chains.

(c) She was pushed into a gushing waterfall.

(d) She was shouted at.

Prose: The Wisdom of King Solomon (EE)

1)         What did David realize as he got older?

(a) He ruled for forty years.

(b) He was a wise ruler.

(c) His son would be a better king.

(d) It was time to appoint a successor.

2)         What did Solomon ask of God?

(a) Wisdom

(b) Riches

(c) Duties

(d) Glory

Prose: Anjali’s Umbrella (EE)

1)         What was Anjali’s lucky charm?

(a) Her red umbrella

(b) A leopard’s claw

(c) Her necklace

(d) A tiger’s claw

2)         Who tried to steal Anjali’s red umbrella?

(a) The picnickers

(b) The lady

(c) Vijay

(d) Arjun

Poem: The Snare (EE)

1)           What did the poet hear?

(a)  A shout of joy

(b)  An exclamation of surprise

(c)  A yell of anger

(d)  A cry of pain

2)           Who was calling out for aid?

(a)  The rabbit

(b)  The poet

(c)  The snare

(d)  The hunter

Poem: The Rock – a – By Lady from Hushabye Street (EE)

1)           Where do the boats float?

(a)  On the vast ocean

(b)  On silvery streams

(c)  Up and down the broad river

(d)  Under the bridges

2)           When will the child dream?

(a)  When the child creeps

(b)  When the child steals

(c)  When the child sleeps

(d)  When the child plays

Reader: The River Kaveri (TT)

1)           What did Lord Brahma bless King Kavera with?

(a)  A large kingdom

(b)  A handsome son

(c)  A river

(d)  A beautiful baby girl

2)           Who did Kaveri finally agree to marry?

(a)  Sage Agastya

(b)  The prince west of the Sahya hills

(c)  A person in South India

(d)  Ganesha

Reader: Tales of Vikram and Betaal (TT)

1)           Who did princess Chandralekha want to marry?

(a)  A rich man who could provide her with everything.

(b)  A powerful man who could protect his wife.

(c)  A learned man who was well educated.

(d)  A young man who could fight well.

2)           According to King Virkamaditya, who should have married the princess?

(a)  Virendra

(b)  Udayveer

(c)  Dhananjaya

(d)  None of the princes

Q.VIII.                      Fill in the blanks by choosing from the options given below.

Prose: A Folktale from India – The Rainbow Prince (EE)

1)         Rupanjali wanted to find the parrot so that she could marry the ___________.

(a)  stranger

(b)  messenger

(c)  guard

(d)  Rainbow Prince

2)         The kingdom seemed ____________ as birds no longer flew across the sky.

(a)  gloomy

(b)  joyful

(c)  special

(d)  dark

Prose: The Wisdom of King Solomon (EE)

1)         Solomon asked for a ___________ to divide the child into two.

(a)  knife

(b)  sword

(c)  dagger

(d)  ruler

2)         The two women brought a___________ case before the king.

(a)  tearful

(b)  deceitful

(c)  difficult

(d)  sad

Prose: Anjali’s Umbrella (EE)

1)           Gopal Pathak was very _________ and wanted to have everything.

(a)  rich

(b)  depressed

(c)  sad

(d)  greedy

2)           Anjali lived in that part of the ___________ known as Gharhwal.

(a)  Himalayas

(b)  Aravallis

(c)  Vindhyas

(d)  Satpuras

Poem: The Snare (EE)

1)         The rabbit is trapped in a ___________.

(a)  forest

(b)  snare

(c)  cage

(d)  zoo

2)         The rabbit ___________ his face in pain.

(a)  turns

(b)  moves

(c)  wrinkles

(d)  twists

Poem: The Rock – a – By Lady from Hushabye Street (EE)

1)         ____________ hang from her head to her feet.

(a)  Roses

(b)  Tulips

(c)  Marigolds

(d)  Poppies

2)         The _____________ goes “Rub-a-dub!”

(a)  drum

(b)  sugar-plum

(c)  popgun

(d)  trumpet

Reader: The River Kaveri (TT)

1)         Kaveri wanted a part of herself to be transformed into a ____________.

(a)  sea

(b)  river

(c)  ocean

(d)  lake

2)         There was severe __________ in Southern India.

(a)  flooding

(b)  rainfall

(c)  drought

(d)  winter

Reader: Tales of Vikram and Betaal (TT)

1)            ____________ could read the past, know the present and look into the future.

(a)  None of the princes

(b)  Dhananjaya

(e) Udayveer

(c) Virendra

2)           Dhananjaya had a magic __________.

(a)  sword

(b)  map

(c)  chariot

(d)  palace

Match the columns.



Rupanjali  and  the
no   one   in   her   village

others watched in astonishment

remembered birthdays


No mother would ever let her
the Rock – a – By Lady finds the

child be killed because

child sleeping

Anjali  couldn’t  be  sure  of  her
Nilangana  and  the  Rainbow

age because

Prince  rode  in  the  chariot

towards   the   land   of   the


The poet cannot find the place
Virendra was unable to look into


the future and draw the map

The child will get the poppies
things   were   not   going   as



King Kavera sighed because
she would rather give it away

than see it harmed

Chandralekha  would
the rabbit’s paw is in the snare

have never been found if

Answer in one sentence.

Prose: A Folktale from India – The Rainbow Prince (EE)
1)           (a) Why was the special bird prison made?

(b) Why did Nilangana want to set the birds free?

Prose: The Wisdom of King Solomon (EE)

2)           (a) What doubts did Solomon have when he succeeded his father?

(b)  Why was the weeping woman ready to give up the child?

Prose: Anjali’s Umbrella (EE)

3)           (a) Describe Anjali’s appearance.

(b)  Why was Anjali in awe of the picnickers?

Poem: The Snare (EE)

4)           (a) Why was the poet unable to help the rabbit?

(b) What part of the rabbit was caught in the snare?

Poem: The Rock – a – By Lady from Hushabye Street (EE)

5)           (a) Name the dreams that the Rock – a – By Lady brings with her.

(b) Where do the fairies fly?

Reader: The River Kaveri (TT)

6)           (a) Who did Kaveri wish to marry?

(b) Why was Sage Agastya surprised to see Kaveri in the jungle?

Reader: Tales of Vikram and Betaal (TT)

7)           (a) Where did the rakshasa carry princess Chandralekha?

(b) Decribe the chariot built by Udayveer.


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