Sunday 1 January 2017

Grade 4 -- Syllabus for cycle test 4

·         Chapter 6: Fun with Scratch 2
Ø  Animating sprite to perform a particular action
Ø  Create a game using various features of Scratch
·         Chapter 7: Healthy Computing Practices

·         Prose: A Folktale from India – The Rainbow Prince
·         Grammar: Subject and Predicate
·         Composition: Comprehension 3
·         Language Lab 1
·         Poem: The Snare
·         Grammar: Tenses_Rev
·         SR: The River Kaveri
·         Language Lab 2
·         Grammar: Subject Verb Agreement
·         Composition: Notice Writing and Letter Writing_Rev
·         Prose: The Wisdom of King Solomon
·         Grammar: Asking Questions
·         Composition: Comprehension 4
·         Language Lab 3
·         Poem: The Rock – a – By Lady from Hushaby Street
·         Grammar: Conjuctions and Prepositions_Rev
·         Language Lab 4
·         Composition: Advertisement/ Persuasion through Posters
·         SR: Tales of Vikram and Betaal
·         Grammar: Vocabulary
·         Composition: Story Writing
·         Language Lab 5
·         Grammar: Homophones
·         Composition: Writing a Fairy Tale
·         Composition: Story Writing and Writing a Fairy Tale_Rev
·         IA: Show and Tell
·         Prose: Anjali’s Umbrella
·         Composition: Descriptive Writing/ Descriptive Paragraph
·         Language Lab 6
·         Composition: Diary Writing
·         Language Lab
·         Composition: Descriptive Writing and Diary Writing_Rev

पाठ - मदर टेरेसा
व्याकरण - क्रिया
व्याकरण - अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द
IA: Aural & Listening  ऋतुएँ
जानकारी - गिनती 46 से 60 तक (शब्दों तथा अकों में)
व्याकरण - विलोम शब्द (पुनःअभ्यास) HW
पाठ - हमारे देश की फसलें
कविता - होली आई
IA : Show and Tell
व्याकरण - वाक्य
व्याकरण - विराम-चिन्ह
लहर - डूबते को तिनके का सहारा
रचना - अपठित गद्यांश
व्याकरण - मुहावरे (पुनःअभ्यास)
पाठ - चिंटू-पिंटू
व्याकरण - अशुद्धि शोधन
लहर - बेकार के झगड़ों में नुकसान अपना
रचना - अनुच्छेद लेखन, पत्र लेखन (पुनःअभ्यास)
व्याकरण - अशुद्धि शोधन, अनेक शब्दों के लिए एक शब्द (पुनःअभ्यास) HW

·         Chapter 8: Force                                              
·         Chapter 9: Work and Energy                                                 
·         Chapter 17: Indian History at a Glance      
·         Chapter 2: Teeth and Tongue                  
·         Activity – 4  (Teeth and Tongue)    
·         Chapter 3: Human Sense Organs            
·         Chapter19: Government                            

·         Chapter 13: Perimeter, Area and Volume                                                       
·         Chapter 9: Time    
·         Chapter 10: Money                                                           
·         Chapter 13: Data Handling                                                   


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