Thursday 1 September 2016

SA1 syllabus


  • Chapter 4: Making Presentations with Open Office 4 Impress
  •         English
    • IA: Project
    • Prose: Life on the Island – A New Experience
    • Grammar: Articles
    • Language Lab 1
    • Composition: Comprehension 3
    • Poem: Twenty Froggies
    • Language Lab 2
    • SR: The Story of Onam
    • IA: Show and Tell
    • Prose: Weaving Dreams of Gold
    • Language Lab 3
    • Composition: Comprehension_Monalisa
    • Poem: Indian Weavers
    • Grammar: Adjectives
    • Language Lab 4
    • Composition: Key Ideas
    • Prose: Memoirs from the land of the Pharaohs
    • Grammar: Comparison of Adjectives
    • Language Lab 5
    • Composition: Paragraphing
    • SR: Raja Harishchandra – The Virtuous King
    • Grammar: Verbs
    • Language Lab 6
    • Composition: Message Writing
    • Grammar: Present Tense and Past Tense
    • Composition: Paragraph Writing
    • Revision Question Bank
    • IA: Recitation
    • Composition: Adjectives and Comparison of Adjectives_Rev

  • Hindi

    पाठ - भारतीय नृत्य
    कविता - बोला पानी
    व्याकरण - शब्द, संज्ञा (पुनःअभ्यास)
    व्याकरण - लिंग
    व्याकरण – वचन
    लहर - बड़ी कौन
    जानकारी - गिनती 16 से 30 तक (शब्दों तथा अकों में)
    IA : Show and Tell
    रचना - चित्र वर्णन, अनुच्छेद लेखन (पुनःअभ्यास)
    रचना - पत्र लेखन
    पाठ - हमारा भोजन
    कविता - प्रकृति का संदेश
    व्याकरण - मुहावरे
    व्याकरण - पर्यायवाची शब्द
    लहर - मूर्ख को उपदेश
    व्याकरण - लिंग, वचन, मुहावरे, पर्यायवाची शब्द (पुनःअभ्यास) HW

    • Chapter 11: Geometry
    • Chapter 4: Division
    • Chapter 12: Patterns and Symmetry
    • Chapter 5: Factors and Multiples

    • Chapter 7: Physical States of Matter
    • Chapter 15: World and its Physical Features
    • Chapter 12: Agriculture in India
    • Activity – 2 (Agriculture in India)
    • Chapter 10: The Sun and the Solar System
    • Chapter 16: Physical Features of India

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