Thursday 29 October 2015

Industries In India

Industries In India
·         Name a few things that we can make from wood?
Furniture, paper
·         What do we get from sugar cane?
        ·  Where is furniture, paper and other things from wood and sugar fromØ sugarcane made?
They are made in the factories.
·         Define Raw materials;
 When we manufacture things in the factories we need things which are provided by nature and they are called raw materials.
·         Once these raw materials are processed and are ready to use what are theseØ goods called?
These goods are called finished goods.
·         Define manufacturing.
This process in which the raw materials are converted to finished goods is called manufacturing.
·         Will a worker working in a milk factory be able to work in a textile factory?
·         Why?
They need to learn the work related to the textile industry.
·         Define worker:
A worker is a person who has acquired special skills and works on a specific occupation.
·         Are fruits, vegetables and crops produced in industries?
They are grown in thev farms.
·         What do the  farmers need to grow fruits and vegetables?
 Seeds, water,v sunlight.
·         Where does the farmer get seeds from?
The fruit of a plant.v
·         What is the process of converting raw material to finished goods called?v
·         Name some man made goods:
 paper, furniture, buildings etc.v
·          Define an industry:
The place where the process of converting raw materialsv into finished goods is carried out is called an industry.
·         What should one do if they do not have enough money to arrange for all theØ requirements? They can either borrow or start on a small scale.
·          Can we make things at home and sell them?
·          Give examples of things which we can make at home and sell in the market?
 Achar, any other food item, woollen items etc.
·         If we start manufacturing at home what kind of machines can we use?
SimpleØ tools and machines.
·         The Cottage Industry to produce bamboo baskets can be started provided there is easy availability of bamboo in the area.
·         What are the advantages of a cottage industry?
The amount of money and the number of people required to start a cottage industry is less. It is a good source of income for women who can work from home.
·         What are the advantages of a cottage industry?
The amount of money and the number of people required to start a cottage industry is less. It is a good source of income for women who can work from home. It generates employment for few especially in villages.

·         Q1. What do you think are the main features of a large scale industry?
Produce goods on a large scale Can also produce bulky products Have a large number of people to work.  Show a packet of tea/ picture·The area of work is large. If a person wants to set up a large manufacturing tea industry, where do you· think that the industry should be set up? The industry should be set up in a place where there are huge tea plantations so that the raw material required can be easily available

·         If all the other sources like finance, labour, machine, land etc. are available in one place but the required raw material is not available then what can one do?
·         One can buy the raw material from the other place and transport it to the place where the factory is set up Explain that there are industries which buy raw materials from one place and· manufacture them in another place. There are industries who also import raw .
·         Who manufactures the goods in large scale industries?
 Workers ·materials from other countries.
  Skilled person
                A software engineer for a computer industry.
                A civil engineer for a construction company
An aeronautical engineer for an aircraft company etc.
·         the factors affecting the location of an industry.
For eg.  The raw material should be easily available.
Ø  Availability of transport to facilitate acquiring or import of raw materials
.Ø  Regular and cheap supply of power
.Ø  Easy availability of labour and specialized persons for large scale industries.
Ø  Availability of land to set up the factory

·         Kind of labour required in large scale industries.
Industry that can function at home.
             CottageØ A chair is a raw material or a finished product: Finished product
  A place where goods are stored: WarehouseØ 
   A screw driver is a simple tool or machine: Tool.
  After the goods are manufactured they are sent to this department:
   Packaging  Cement is a natural resource – true or false –TrueØ

  One product that can be made with rubber – Tyres, stamps, glovesØ

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