Friday 28 August 2015

Syllabus for SA1


Prose - Life on an Island-Robinson Crusoe ,Weaving Dreams of Gold,The Story of Onam (New TT) / David and Goliath (Old TT) ,Raja Harishchandra – The Virtuous King (New TT) / A Mother’s Love (Old TT)
Poem - The Old Rocking Horse,Indian Weavers
Language, Similes and Alliterations, Word order Sentencing , Punctuations,Synonyms,Tense
  Adjectives, Helping Verb   (is/am/are/was/were/has/have) , Nouns - Rev
Composition – Comprehension ,Descriptive Writing
Paragraphing with Key ideas, Elements of Story Writing, Using Linkers ,Informal Letter - Rev
   Message Writing – Rev


Geometry,Division, Factors and Multiples

Social Science  -

Ch 7: Physical States of Matter
Ch 10: The Sun and the Solar System, Ch 12: Agriculture in India,
Ch 15: World and its Physical Features,
Ch16: The Physical Features of India


paz -KolaaoM maoM BaartIya maihlaaeÐ,Akbar AaOr baIrbala
kivata-baaolaa panaI,vyaakrNa -vaa@ya,saM&a,ilaMga
vacana,mauhavaro  jaanakarI-21 sao 40 tk
³SabdaoM tqaa AMkaoM maoM´ rcanaa-AnaucCod¹laoKna
Apizt¹gad\yaaMSa, lahr khanaI saMga`h¹ 4
baD,I kaOnaÆ,maUK- kao ]pdoSa


Ch 3: Fun with Word Process,
   Ch 4: Making presentations with MS PowerPoint

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